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Ghana is a West-African country bordered by Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Togo, and the Gulf of Guinea.

It comprises a total land area of 227,540 km2 with a tropical climate. The country is hot and dry in the north, warm and comparatively dry in the south-east and hot and humid in the southwest.

Total Population: 29,767,108


  Urban: 56% (16,669,581)

  Rural: 44% (13,097,527)

CIA World Factbook  

Lifetime Wells International provides clean drinking water to the people of Ghana.

Lifetime Wells International has been operating in Ghana since 2006.

Over the last 17yrs, our operation has seen tremendous growth. Today, we employ an in-country management team, a full-time drilling team comprised of local drillers, and mechanics to install pumps and make sure they continue to function for years to come. 
 Thanks to your support, we have installed over 1,650 handpumps and miles of underground water mains.
Approximately 1,000,000 people now have access to safe drinking water!

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Children smiling while our team drills a borehole for their community.
A woman collecting safe drinking water in her basin from the pump-stand installed by Lifetime Wells International.
A pair of hands catching clean water.
Her smile says it all! Having access to a safe source of drinking water in the community makes a big difference.

Clean-Water Access in Ghana 

  • Nationally, 36% of Ghanaian’s have access to a safely managed drinking water service.

  • In the rural areas where LWI works, nearly 20% of the population still relies on surface water or unimproved* sources to meet daily water needs.

  • Over 2.6M people rely on water that is contaminated and unfit to drink. 

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Graph of safe water access metrics in Ghana.

Although we have seen a lot of progress in Ghana, there is still a long way to go!

Our work is far from done and we'll continue until no one has to rely on contaminated surface water for survival.

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